Category Archives: radio_archives

Show #8 February 26, 2014 The Eight Limbs of Yoga


Hear about the 8 limbs yoga… ‘everyone’ is talking about them, but do you really know what they are?!

Did you ever want to skip your yoga class because the weather was ‘too bad’ or ‘too good’? Listen to Meera and Dan discuss this common occurance. Join in by sending an email to… let us know what you’re thinking!

Virabhadrasana_I_-_Warrior_Pose_I Pose of the week: Vīrabhadrāsana I
Warrior I

Show #7 February 19, 2014 Gabriel Halpern


Gabriel Halpern talks about the role of yoga in one’s life

Gabriel Halpern, owner of Yoga Circle in Chicago, IL, fills us in on how he got started in yoga over 40 years ago. In an ashram in California, he started learning, and teaching. From then to now, Gabriel talks about the yoga path, the roles of a teacher, managing family and yoga, and leadership.

Lastly, he discusses how yoga can help create a future that is worth living.

200px-Ardha-Chandrasana_Yoga-Asana_Nina-Mel Pose of the week: Parivṛtta Ardha Candrāsana

Revolved Half Moon Pose

Show #5 February 5, 2014 – Meg Shaw


Joining us is Meg Shaw: budding yogi!

Hear how Meg’s personal practice helps her in her day to day activities in the medical field, how she finds time for yoga each week, and how she first became interested in yoga.

It is a great story that we can all relate to… how to create a balance of modern life and yoga!

100px-Utthita-Parshvakonasana_Yoga-Asana_Nina-Mel Pose of the week: UtthitapārśvakoṇāsanaExtended side angle pose

Show #4 January 29, 2014

Show #4 January 29, 2014 – Meera Sanghani

meera Meet Meera Sanghani: yogi, philosopher, mother, fellow human.

Listen to her yoga path: how she handles being a mother and a yoga teacher, how her grandfather encouraged her to do yoga, and her mother won awards for knowledge of Sanskrit.

100px-Utthita-Parshvakonasana_Yoga-Asana_Nina-Mel Pose of the week: Utthitapārśvakoṇāsana

Extended side angle pose

Introducing the Yoga Sutras!

Show #3 January 15, 2014

 Screen Shot 2014-02-23 at 3.40.36 PM Reading a book about the Yoga Sutras, I’m intrigued by the ‘taming of the mind’ introduced in the second sutra.

We cover the background of what the Sutras are, and look at Sutra 1 and Sutra 2. Trying to relate that to some of my experiences in day to day life, and why taming the mind seems so difficult.

Lastly, “Computer Guru” Dan Waterloo introduces ‘digital plane projection’ and how it reminds him of yoga postures, the nervous system, and linking to the universal energy/conciousness.

100px-Vriksasana_Yoga-Asana_Nina-Mel Pose of the week: Trikoṇāsana
Triangle Pose

Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar

Show #2 January 8, 2014

Light on Yoga readings.

lightonyoga_1980 Found my “Light on Yoga” book I bought in 1980, thought I’d share a couple of paragraphs with the ‘radio listening universe’.

Starting a new year, it’s time good time to think ‘new beginning’. Some ideas for that, and a couple of thoughts on progressing, and staying current, and the tricks our mind plays on us.

Lastly, a session from the “Computer Guru”, by Dan Waterloo.

100px-Vriksasana_Yoga-Asana_Nina-Mel Pose of the week: Vṛkṣāsana

Tree Pose

Becca Waterloo… Urban Dweller

Show #1 November 20, 2013

Becca first Waterloo – Urban wholesale nba jerseys Dweller and To Budding Architect

 binky Listen to wholesale nba jerseys Becca Waterloo and traveling Dan Waterloo discuss their Us ‘yoga journey’ and Sure what a they needs do for cheap jerseys a home China practice.
  Pose of the week: Tāḍāsana  Mountain Pose